Thursday, December 15, 2011

Random Moments

Only today that I came across street photography.
I had to find out if I in-advertently did any... 

I am calling what I found
'Random Moments'
Street Photography is about surprise

Street photography is about being candid !

Street photography is about stealth.
Street Photography is about being live on the street

Street Photography is about irony

Street photography is about realistic moments.

Street photography is the art of capturing candid random situations which may be ironical, contradictory, controversial in context.
There are quite a few great street photographers that you can follow to experience random moments.
What Wikipedia has to say on street photography.

Another great blog post on Street Photography !


I believe that I am good in photography :)
Correct me if I am wrong. Encourage me if I am right.
Thanks you for your time. Cheers!