Thursday, December 22, 2011


The Night
When I was drunk
The swimming pool
showed me how I looked.

Immediately I ran to my room to get my camera... rest is history.
These are my favourites.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

The Tusker

He looked scary. But,
He was calm, composed and was so much fun. 

(Near Udaipur in one of my road trips to Delhi)

Tusker - That is how he is known to the village.

His Time. With His Companion.

He made my day!

Monday, December 19, 2011

Family Funday !!

We are the 'post 35 - know it all' folks. We plan family fun-days with great strategy and planning. We think of a magician, a tattoo artist, a dance instructor with a sound console and all the jazz.
Yet sometimes, I wonder if we understand fun from a child's perspective.

When is it going to end?

Elder brother joins in the brooding ceremony

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Random Moments

Only today that I came across street photography.
I had to find out if I in-advertently did any... 

I am calling what I found
'Random Moments'
Street Photography is about surprise

Street photography is about being candid !

Street photography is about stealth.
Street Photography is about being live on the street

Street Photography is about irony

Street photography is about realistic moments.

Street photography is the art of capturing candid random situations which may be ironical, contradictory, controversial in context.
There are quite a few great street photographers that you can follow to experience random moments.
What Wikipedia has to say on street photography.

Another great blog post on Street Photography !

Thursday, December 8, 2011


Sun sets up emotions.
Sun sets into dusky mood.
Sun sets us into another horizon.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

She is Nature. Beautiful and Unpolluted

Tso Moriri

Tso Moriri

This is the view, although a bit enhanced because of the camera settings, that you get in Tso Moriri lake in Ladakh valley.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011


My hands were aching pointing the camera... then she turned.

Only on camera...
Wrinkles are appreciated.
Only on camera...
Wrinkles are not Fear.

A Smile that Hides...

Smiles that hide.. Pain

Medicines, they asked.
I promised myself to carry an extra bag of OTC medicines, next time.
This was to remember my promise.

(I was too close to them with Telephoto lens mounted. Thank you to presence of mind that got me this beauty)

The woman and Her dog.

The Old Woman and Her dog...

It was getting dark, and they were far away.
Wish I had some kind of a flash that could light up the sky.
Aren't they beautiful?

Serenity after a long walk...

Top of the Auli Skiing Range

First Day. First Trekking Trip.
Breath-less was the view. Breath-less was I, climbing to the top.
Shaky was the light. Shaky was my stance.
Motivation was the beauty. Motivation was the family.