Thursday, May 24, 2012

Playing with Lights !

Playing with lights is a great way to spend time with your camera,
and understand its response !

An evening out the swimming pool !

When you are bored in a room with good looking lights ...

In an empty road, with just the street lights...

Another night in a beach dark enough not to see the sea. But there were a few bulbs in a nearby shack.

Looks ordinary, but I clicked some 10 photographs to get this effect !

This was with my tripod, old monk and a 5 seconds exposure...

Sunday, May 13, 2012


It was in Prithvi Theatre, Juhu that I was chasing a cat with the Lumia in my hand, like we chase chickens in a farm. Suddenly, he looked at me.. my trigger happy hand clicked.

The chase was so cat-like,
The photograph came out so cat-like.